Declaration of responsibility | HempBona
This website contains general information about diet, health and nutrition. The information provided on this website, as well as the information provided through it, is for educational purposes only. This information should not be construed as professional advice and should not be treated as such. The information on this website is provided on an "as is" basis without warranty of any kind.
HempBona, LLC makes no warranties in connection with the health information provided on this website. The information provided on this website is not to be considered as an alternative to advice from a physician or other health care professional.
If you think you are suffering or may be suffering from any health problem, you should seek medical advice immediately. Never delay seeking medical advice, underestimate medical advice or interrupt treatment prescribed by your doctor based on information you have found on our website or that we have provided to you. None of the information herein is intended as a substitute for a medical diagnosis and such information should not be considered medical advice or recommended treatment. If you are considering any change in your lifestyle, diet or nutrition, please consult your physician or other health care professional first.
This website may contain links to third party websites. We provide these links for your information only and do not endorse any of these websites in any way. We are not responsible for the content of these third party websites, nor do we make any warranties in connection with the information on these websites. If you choose to link to these third party websites or rely in any way on the information contained therein, you do so at your own risk.
This website does not support, endorse or advocate the legal or illegal use of narcotic or psychotropic drugs. All information contained on this website, as well as information provided through this website, is for educational purposes only. HempBona, Ltd. cannot be held responsible for content on its website or on third party websites to which we provide links if such content promotes, endorses or advocates the use of narcotic or psychotropic drugs or other illegal activities.
HempBona, LLC cannot be held responsible for any inappropriate or improper use of the information or services provided by this website and disclaims any liability for any use of the information or services provided herein.