
Merino, bamboo and hemp socks: which natural socks are best for you?

Merino, bamboo and hemp socks: which natural socks are best for you?

In the world of fashion and functional clothing, socks occupy an essential place that we often underestimate, but they have a significant impact on our comfort and foot health. When choosing the right pair, the material plays a key role, with socks made from natural materials such as merino, bamboo and hemp offering not only exceptional comfort, but also a range of environmental and health benefits. With the growing consumer interest in eco-friendly and sustainable alternatives, socks made from these materials are becoming increasingly popular, not only among hiking enthusiasts, but also among those looking for socks for casual wear or even socks suitable for yoga.

Hemp protein: why it's a good choice for your health

Hemp protein: why it's a good choice for your health

Hemp protein is a nutritional supplement derived from hemp seeds. It is rich in protein and contains all the essential amino acids that the body needs to function. It is also rich in fiber, which supports digestion and gut health. Due to its nutritional properties, hemp protein is a popular dietary supplement among athletes and people who strive for a healthy lifestyle.

Interested in cannabis? Come and learn all about it

Interested in cannabis? Come and learn all about it

Visit our hemp farm HempBona, where we have been growing technical hemp in organic farming for the seventh year. We will talk about the pitfalls of growing this plant, but also about why it is currently regaining the limelight it rightfully deserves.

Ako si správne čistiť pleť : 2 kroky, na ktoré netreba zabudnúť

Ako si správne čistiť pleť : 2 kroky, na ktoré netreba zabudnúť

Čistenie je  základný postup starostlivosti o pleť, ktorý kladie základy pre ďalšie kroky v našej každodennej starostlivosti o tvár. Dá sa povedať, že je to východiskový bod zdravej starostlivosti o pleť. Faktom je, že väčšina z nás  nevie, ako si správne čistiť pleť a používame príliš agresívne prípravky k nášmu typu pleti. Našťastie vidíme posun a ženy siahajú stále čoraz viac  po prípravkoch na čistenie pleti na rastlinnej báze, ktoré účinne odstraňujú nečistoty a  a podporujú zdravú funkciu našej pokožky.