A Brief History of Hemp: From Ancient Civilizations to Contemporary Usage
The history of hemp is fascinating and has been part of human history since the beginning of civilization. It dates back to the ancient civilizations of China, India and Egypt. It is believed that hemp began to be grown in these regions for its fibers and seeds. With hemp is often associated the mythical Chinese emperor Shennung, who supposedly taught the Chinese people to grow rice , millet, barley, soybeans and HEMP. He was also the author of the first written pharmacopoeia, which he also compiled based on the study and testing of cannabis. In Asia and the Middle East, hemp was grown and used to make fabrics, paper, and ropes. In China, hemp has been used to produce food, medicine, and paper since 2700 years BC. Throughout history, hemp has also been used for its healing properties. The ancient Egyptians used hemp to treat various ailments, such as pain, inflammation, and even depression. In ancient Rome, hemp was used to treat diseases such as gout, edema, and tumors. In the 16th century. In the XIX century, hemp was even used to treat malaria. In the 16th century. In the XIX century, hemp reached North America. The settlers of Jamestown, who came here in 1609, brought hemp with them. In the 1700s, hemp was widely grown in the United States and was used to produce a variety of products, including clothing, paper, and thev. In the XIX century, some of the first medicines were made from hemp, and even the first American flag was made from it. Cannabis was one of the most commonly prescribed medications. In addition, hemp was also used to make lamp oil, paints, and ink. At the beginning of the 20th century. In the XVI century, hemp began to be used as biofuel( production of pyrolytic oil) and the technology of producing decomposed plastics was discovered. Cannabis has been an important part of the history of mankind from its use in antiquity for medicinal purposes to its use in modern times for the production of various products. The history of hemp is interesting, and it is clear that hemp will continue to play an important role in the lives of people around the world.
The History of Hemp in the United States: From Colonization to Its Prohibition and Restoration
America's relationship with hemp and marijuana has gone through many twists and turns in history. Hemp has been used by people for thousands of years, and its history in the U.S. dates back to colonial times. George Washington and Thomas Jefferson were themselves long-time hemp growers! In colonial America, hemp was used in different ways. Ropes, tarpaulin and paper were made from it. From 1632 to the beginning of the 19th century. In many parts of the U.S., hemp was even considered legal tender. For many farmers, it was an important crop and was grown on a large scale for commercial purposes. At the beginning of the 20th century. However, in the XVI century, the U.S. began to criminalize hemp. This was a consequence of the popularization of racist stereotypes associated with cannabis use, which were used to demonize people of Mexican descent. This happened despite the fact that hemp has been legal and widely used throughout the country for centuries. The criminalization of hemp in the U.S. has led to a dramatic decline in hemp production. It wasn't until after the adoption of the Agriculture Act in 2018 that hemp production in the U.S. was legalized again. The adoption of this law allowed the hemp industry to grow in the U.S., with hemp now being used to produce various products such as clothing, paper, and food.
The history of hemp in Europe
Hemp is probably one of the first domesticated plants in the history of mankind. Today it is widely believed that the origin of this plant is somewhere in Asia, where exactly it is still debated among scientists. It is estimated that it occurred in Europe in the Bronze Age , i.e., 2700-1700 BC. Ancient plant material and seeds have been found everywhere in Europe, some as old as 6000 years. Thus, hemp has been a traditional source of food in Europe for thousands of years. All parts of the plant have been consumed in the past - seeds, leaves, flowers and extracts as foods - which have been part of the European diet for centuries. Before the industrial era, hemp oil was one of the most commonly consumed vegetable oils , which is why hemp extracts and cannabinoids were consumed in significant quantities. Hemp has a strong connection with Europeanagrarian culture, and its use in the kitchen can be traced back to the Middle Ages. Countries such as Italy, Germany, Lithuania, Poland, Sweden and Slovakia have shown how hemp can be used to prepare meals and improve people's health. In fact, one of the oldest cookbooks from 1475 shows a recipe for a healthy drink made of hemp nectar. In many European countries, such as Sweden and Poland , old recipes refer to hemp as a vegetable, but it was most popular in temperate regions for its beneficial properties for making textile and rope fibers. Hemp, along with flax, is one of the oldest natural fibers used by humans. Hemp production in Europe declined sharplyfollowing the advent of new synthetic fibres in the 50s. years 20. Century. Only France and some eastern countries have retained their expertise and limited production facilities, while elsewhere thousands of companies working with natural fibres have closed under pressure from competition with new products. Politics and powerful economic interests (of the petrochemical and pharmaceutical industries) had a decisive influence on the prohibition of this plant. The fight against drugs meant a total ban on all types of cannabis, including those with a minimum content of THC. The technology required to process hemp has stopped developing and has either been destroyed or moved abroad.
The use of hemp in our day to day
Today, hemp is used in various industries such as textiles,health and wellness, and construction. Strong, durable textiles and building materials can be made from hemp fibers. The oil obtained from hemp seeds is high in nutrients and is used in the manufacture of food and skin care products. Hemp is also a renewable and sustainable resource, making it a popular choice in the eco-conscious world today. With the legalization of hemp cultivation in many countries and its growing popularity, the future of this versatile plant and its numerous uses looks bright. Here are some more examples of how hemp is currently used:
- Agriculture: Hemp is used as an alternating crop that helps improve soil health. It also provides a source of food and feed for livestock.
- Alternative fuel: Hemp oil can be used as biofuel instead of gasoline and diesel. It is a renewable energy source.
- Beauty care products : Hemp oil is rich in essential fatty acids, making it a popular ingredient in cosmetics and skin care products. It is also used as a natural moisturizer and has anti-inflammatory properties.
- Medicine: Cannabis is used as a natural cure for various health problems such as pain relief, anxiety and insomnia. CBD, a compound found in hemp, is especially popular for its healing properties.
- Packaging materials: Hemp fibers can be used to create biodegradable packaging materials, reducing plastic waste in the environment.
- Hemp shiver can be used to produce a type of building material called hemp concrete, which is a mixture of hemp lime and water. Hempcrete is a natural insulator and is resistant to moisture, fire and pests. It is also carbon negative, which means that it removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere during its growth and throughout its life cycle.
These are just a few examples of how hemp is currently used. With continued research and advances in technology, it is likely that even more uses of hemp will be discovered in the future.