Hemp seed 3kg
Hemp seed 3kg

It contains a high amount of oil with a balanced ratio of omega 3 and 6, essential unsaturated fatty acids. It is a source of vitamins of group A, B1, B2, B6, C and E, and minerals- calcium, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, iron, manganese, zinc, silicon. It also contains a high proportion of easily dietary vegetable proteins, mainly in the form of edesetine and albumin, which support the overall immunity of the body. Due to their composition, hemp seeds also have excellent anti-inflammatory effects. For better digestibility, you can grind the seeds or soak them in water for a couple of hours, Suitable as a dolching food for dogs (add 1 tablespoon to the feed), horses,chickens, birds or as a bait for fish.
According to experience but also published studies, if you feed chickens with hemp seed, these chickens will produce eggs with a higher egg weight and with a greater content of omega-3s.
Package: 3000 g Shipping and Payment

It contains a high amount of oil with a balanced ratio of omega 3 and 6, essential unsaturated fatty acids. It is a source of vitamins of group A, B1, B2, B6, C and E, and minerals- calcium, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, iron, manganese, zinc, silicon. It also contains a high proportion of easily dietary vegetable proteins, mainly in the form of edesetine and albumin, which support the overall immunity of the body. Due to their composition, hemp seeds also have excellent anti-inflammatory effects. For better digestibility, you can grind the seeds or soak them in water for a couple of hours, Suitable as a dolching food for dogs (add 1 tablespoon to the feed), horses,chickens, birds or as a bait for fish.
According to experience but also published studies, if you feed chickens with hemp seed, these chickens will produce eggs with a higher egg weight and with a greater content of omega-3s.
Package: 3000 g Shipping and Payment